Glossary of terms
Applicants/candidates Those applying to IMT are referred to throughout the recruitment process as either 'applicants' or 'candidates'; the terms are used interchangeably and there is no difference between them.
ARCP Annual Review of Competence Progression information about this can be found in the Gold Guide 
Assessment centre This is the stage of recruitment where an applicant will be interviewed. This is referred to as an 'interview' throughout our literature but is often called an 'assessment centre' or 'selection centre' elsewhere. 
CCT Certificate of Completion of Training
CESR CP Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration via the Combined Programme
CMT Core Medical Training - this is the core programme which IMT replaced
CT1 Core Training year 1 - equivalent to ST1 (Specialty Training year 1). IMT and ACCS-AM training start at CT1 and increase with each year of training (ie CT2 etc.)
DCS Disability confident scheme
GMC The General Medical Council
HEIW Health Education and Improvement Wales
IELTS The International English Language Testing System
IMT Internal Medicine Training
IMY1 First year of Internal Medicine Training
IMY2 Second year of Internal Medicine Training
IMY3 Third year of Internal Medicine Training
JRCPTB The Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board
LAS Locum Appointment (Service)
LAT Locum Appointment (Training)
MRCP(UK) Examination diploma denoting Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK)
NES NHS Education for Scotland
NIMDTA The Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
NTN National Training Number
PSRO Physician Specialty Recruitment Office - the team based in NHS England who coordinate recruitment to IMT and higher physician specialty training

Royal College of Physicians - there are three royal colleges of physicians: EdinburghGlasgow and London

Region In recruitment, region refers to bodies that manage postgraduate medical training. Formerly all these were known as deaneries but as the terminology is now different across UK nations, regions is used as a generic term.
RLMT Resident Labour Market Test
ST3/ST4 Specialty Training year 3 or 4 - the years in which higher training in physician specialties starts 
UKFPO United Kingdom Foundation Programme Office