The first set of offers for IMT are scheduled to be made on Tuesday 18 March 2025. If there is any change to this, candidates in competition at that time will be contacted with an update.
Offers made in iterations
Not all candidates will receive an offer in the first 'batch' of offers that are made. Higher-scoring candidates will receive offers first. Any offers declined can be recycled to lower ranked candidates.
Many candidates will opt to hold offers (see the responding to offers page) for a period of time and then choose to reject later on, this will delay how quickly offers can be recycled.
Deadline for first offers
There is a deadline for each round by which the first batch of offers must be made, which is Tuesday 25 March 2025. This deadline applies to all specialties, e.g. general practice, paediatrics etc, to help those applying to more than one with their decisions. As each specialty makes their offers, this will help speed up the process as those applying to multiple specialties take themselves out of the process by accepting an offer in a different specialty.
Holding deadline
When offers are made, candidates will be given the option to hold their offer. If a candidate opts to hold an offer, they must respond to it (i.e. accept or reject it) by 1pm (UK time) on Thursday 3 April 2025. Consequently it is usually the case that this will release more programmes for recycling.
[See the responding to offers page of this website for more information on holding offers and the offer-holding deadline.]
Completion of offers
Offers will be recycled as many times as necessary between the first set of offers and when either all posts are filled or the pool of candidates has been exhausted. In recent years it has been the case that all but a small number of posts are filled within a week after the upgrading deadline for the round (Tuesday 8 April 2025). However, the process for filling remaining posts is likely to continue throughout the spring and summer as some candidates that accepted offers withdraw, and some additional posts are added to the process.
Candidates who are on the reserve list after the upgrade deadline passes will be kept up to date with the progress of offers and when new programme preferences become available to select.