As with geriatric medicine experience, it is also necessary to have the critical care experience curricula requirements prior to application.
Applicants need a minimum 3-months' experience in an intensive care unit or medical high dependency unit where the trainee is fully integrated within all aspects of the ICU/HDU team's work, including the delivery of out of hours care. Experience should be attained in no more than two separate blocks.
This will initially be a self-declaration via the application form, where you will also be asked the following:
- To describe the role(s) in which you attained this experience, including dates, the type of unit in which you were based, and what did your role entail.
- How can you evidence attainment of the capability in practice (CiP 7 from the Internal Medicine Stage 1 curriculum) for showing experience in management of the critically-ill patient. This will normally be via one or more of: a supervised learning event, work-place based assessment or a supervising consultant report/letter.
- Confirmation that you have attainment of both of the following procedures:
- CV line insertion (supervised)
- Lumbar puncture (unsupervised)
Those progressing to shortlisting will be required to load evidence of how they have met the capability in practice and attainment of the procedures, which will be assessed by a consultant physician.