Offers and beyond

The offers and beyond section of the PHST recruitment website is largely applicable to IMY3. There are a few key things to note:

National Round 2

A key point to note for IMY3 recruitment, is it is being recruited to in national round 2, alongside higher specialty training programmes. This means that applicants applying to IMY3 and higher specialty training can only accept one offer, and accepting an offer will automatically withdraw them from their applications in that round. 

Late arising posts

It is expected that there will be an increase in the number of posts late in the process, once initial offers have been confirmed. This is because progress of existing IMY2 trainees may mean additional posts can be identified. 

These posts cannot be confirmed until after the upgrade deadline, and so only those still on the offer reserve list can be considered. Applicants on the offers reserve list will be contacted and given opportunity to preference any posts arising late in the process.